Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring into Action!

Spring is officially here and just like the change of season come the change to the real estate market place. Activity is sparking as new life emerges from dormant trees and bushes. Morris & Cheney have had 13 showings on just one listing in the last 3 weeks alone!

With all the change that's going on it's no wonder buyers are springing into action! Rates are still low! Which is great news but more change is coming as soon as next week - March 31st (next Wednesday) the Government quits buying mortgage backed is speculated this could result in higher interest rates!

On April 5th (the Monday after Easter so 10 days from today) the FHA upfront mortgage MI fee goes from 1.75% to 2.25% and April 30 is the last day to get a new home buyer or move up home buyer under contract and qualify for the government home buyer tax credit which you must close on or before June 30!

This means that if you are planning on buying at all in the future now is the time and that time is running up! Move it or loose it applies in less than 30 days!

Contact Morris & Cheney